Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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C/C++ Source or Header
318 lines
Copyright (c) 1991 by Borland International
All Rights Reserved.
Although they don't say anything about it, this class library
was included with the example files in Borland C++ 2.0.
This class is a much easier to use than the WHELLLO.CPP
example which the manuals talk about.
Defines the following classes, which are useful for building
general purpose windows applications:
WinBase - provides basic data and functionality for
windows programming.
ModalDialog - provides for modal dialog boxes. Inherits from
WinBase, which is a virtual base.
Window - provides core functionality for a window under Windows.
Inherits from WinBase, which is a virtual base.
ChildWindow - base class for child window classes
// Continue only if this header has not already been compiled
#if !defined ( __CLASSWIN_H )
#define __CLASSWIN_H
class WinBase
provides the basic data and functionality for all classes
used in the windows application. It is an abstract base class.
virtual WORD run() = 0; // the core function of all windows! For
// the main application window, this
// provides the message loop. In modal
// dialogs, it sets up the dialog box,
// calls the dialog proc, and closes down
// the dialog.
static HANDLE hInst; // the handle of the current instance
static HANDLE hPrevInst; // the handle of the previous instance
static LPSTR cmd; // pointer to the command line
static int show; // the nCmdShow parameter of the current
// instance
HANDLE hWnd(); // access function
HWND hWindow; // the window handle of the class. This is
// accessed through hWnd(), and it will
// provide the correct handle for any
// derived class.
// NOTE: this field is not initialized by
// the constructor of this class. It must
// be initialized by the constructor of a
// class derived from this class.
class WinBase
virtual WORD run() = 0;
static HANDLE hInst;
static HANDLE hPrevInst;
static LPSTR cmd;
static int show;
HANDLE hWnd();
HWND hWindow;
inline HANDLE WinBase::hWnd()
return hWindow;
class ModalDialog
provides basic functionality for modal dialog boxes. It is an
abstract base class.
class ModalDialog : public virtual WinBase
ModalDialog( HWND ); // constructor. Since a modal dialog
// needs to know its owner, the handle
// of the owner is passed as a parameter
// to the constructor.
virtual WORD run(); // the core of a modal dialog! It sets
// up the dialog, executes it, and closes
// it down.
virtual BOOL dispatch( HWND, WORD, WORD, LONG );
// the core of any window. Whenever
// dlgProc receives a message it passes
// the message on to dispatch(). If
// dispatch() doesn't handle the message
// itself, it should call the dispatch()
// function in its base class. Ultimately,
// messages not handled higher up are
// handled by this version of dispatch(),
// which just returns FALSE, indicating
// that the message wasn't handled by
// the dialog box at all.
WORD result; // this holds the value which will be
// returned by run(). If the dialog box
// needs to return a success code, that
// code should be stored here by the
// dialog handler.
virtual LPSTR getDialogName() = 0;
// returns a far pointer to a string
// that contains the name of the dialog
// resource for the current dialog box.
// This is used in run() to load the
// resource.
static BOOL FAR PASCAL _export dlgProc( HWND, WORD, WORD, LONG );
// the dialog proc that windows calls
// when it has messages for the current
// dialog.
static ModalDialog *curDlg;
// this holds a pointer to the currenly
// active ModalDialog. It is set up when
// the constructor is called, and is used
// by dlgProc() to route messages to the
// right dispatch() function.
inline ModalDialog::ModalDialog( HWND hOwner ) : result( 0 )
curDlg = this;
hWindow = hOwner;
inline ModalDialog::~ModalDialog()
curDlg = 0;
class Window
provides the basic functionality for a normal window under
virtual BOOL create(); // creates the window. This involves
// registering the window class if
// it hasn't already been registered,
// creating the actual window, and
// inserting the window into the internal
// window list.
virtual WORD run(); // provides the message loop.
virtual LONG dispatch( WORD, WORD, LONG );
// dispatches messages in a class derived
// from Window. When wndProc() receives
// a message, it determines which Window
// object the message should be routed
// to, and calls dispatch() for that object.
// If the dispatch() function in a derived
// class does not handle any particular
// message, it should pass that message
// on down to the dispatch() function in
// its base class. The version of dispatch()
// in Window itself just calls DefWindowProc.
virtual BOOL registerClass() = 0;
// the derived class should override this
// function and register a window class
// defined appropriately for the program.
virtual BOOL createWindow() = 0;
// the derived class should override this
// function and create a window that's
// appropriate for the program.
static LONG FAR PASCAL _export wndProc( HWND, WORD, WORD, LONG );
// the window proc that windows calls
// when it has messages for any window
// in the current application. wndProc()
// posts the message to the appropriate
// window.
void insert(); // should be called from createWindow()
// after successfully calling the windows
// function CreateWindow(). insert() adds
// the current object to the Window list,
// enabling normal dispatching of messages
// to the current object.
static Window *winList; // have to maintain a list of Windows so
Window *nextWin; // that we can dispatch messages to the
// correct one.
static Window *inCreate; // sort-of kludgy. But there are messages
// that are sent to a window during the
// call to CreateWindow(). We assume that
// any message received by wndProc() during
// a call to CreateWindow() is meant for
// the window being created, and dispatch
// those messages to that window.
class Window : public virtual WinBase
virtual BOOL create();
virtual WORD run();
virtual LONG dispatch( WORD, WORD, LONG );
virtual BOOL registerClass() = 0;
virtual BOOL createWindow() = 0;
static LONG FAR PASCAL _export wndProc( HWND, WORD, WORD, LONG );
void insert();
static Window *winList;
Window *nextWin;
static Window *inCreate;
inline void Window::insert()
nextWin = winList;
winList = this;
class Child Windows
Other child windows can derive from this class.
This class contains the parents handle and the childs handle.
HWND getHandle(void) - returns the childs handle
class Child
HWND getHandle(void);
HWND hwndChild;
HWND hParent;
inline HWND Child::getHandle()
return hwndChild;